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The (unofficial) version 1.2 update is now avaliable and allows you additional FS2000 functionality. Please go to this page for download information.

Flight Director is an integrated Flight Planning, GPS,EFIS, Weather, and ATC companion for Microsoft Flight Simulator.

Flight Director is the comprehensive add-on to help you navigate and simulate the world around you. Integrated with the included Real Weather allows you to fly through actual current weather conditions!

The flight planning features are as powerful and flexible and supports both custom and automatic flight plans.  Flight Director can manage entire flights from departure to the arrival pattern, including airspeed, heading, and altitude.  One "click" transmits flight plans or NAVAIDs to the aircraft autopilot and navigation systems.  Voice Synthesized ATC (Air Traffic Control) provides vectored instructions.  This entirely new system takes ATC to new levels of fun and simplicity.

Comprehensive Navigation Tools

Flight Director's editable 25,000-entry database overflows with waypoints, NAVAIDs (Navigational Aids), and airports.  Its abilities to add, edit, and remove entries and import custom navigational databases helps ensure ongoing accuracy and worldwide coverage.

A full-featured EFIS (Electronic Flight Information System) connects to the autopilot and navigation systems.  A GPS (Global Positioning System) displays your location, heading, distances, and en route time estimates.  A Moving Map provides 360° views of your location.

Incredible Real or Custom Weather Conditions

An advanced weather engine can uses real-world Internet METAR data to reflect actual current worldwide weather conditions.  Color-coded Cloud and Weather Radar display surrounding cloud densities and conditions ranging from light drizzle to the heaviest thunderstorms.  Automatic reports reflect weather changes.  On-demand reports can display any reporting station's conditions.

FSClouds & Textures Pro Integration

If you have FSClouds, a direct link can be made with Flight Director allowing the FSClouds cloud textures to be automatically used during your flights.
Flight Director 99 Specification List
  • You can download the latest METAR data from the Internet and have the weather in Flight Simulator automatically updated during your flight.
  • The program works with the FSClouds 3.0 program bringing you many advanced cloudscapes.
  • There is a full-featured EFIS with a direct connection to the Flight Simulator navigation features and autopilot. All your surrounding Navaids can be displayed.
  • A GPS is available with Navaid, heading, distance to, and approx. time enroute all displayed. Current weather reports also automatically appear when you reach a new weather area.
  • A moving map gives you a 360-degree view around your location and includes many of the same features as the EFIS.
  • Weather Radar is available in the EFIS and Map showing precipitation from light drizzle all the way up to heavy thunderstorms.
  • You can use a special cloud radar giving you color-coded cloud density of your surrounding area.
  • A flight planner that you can use to create flight plans. It can also auto-generate basic flight plans for you.
  • Included is the FS Career Kit with fun and easy ATC (Air Traffic Control). Using almost any flight plan that  you create, you can be vectored to your destination by Air Traffic Control. These are not typical "Adventures" but an entire new system using voice synthesized speech. You are also graded on your piloting
  • skills after each flight and this is applied to career totals and salary.
  • Weather Builder (MetGen). You can design and attach custom weather to any point in yoour flight plan and it will b automatically updated as you fly. So if you do not have access to METAR data, or you just want to fly with your own custom created weather, you can do it using this feature.
  • Your flight plan can be automatically sent to the Flight Simulator autopilot. This includes speed and altitude. So with proper planning you can let Flight Director practically fly your whole flight from airport to airport
  • Taking you right into the arrival pattern.
  • Flight Director contains a database that contains over 23,000 waypoints, navigational beacons, and airports. You can also edit the database to add or remove waypoints or even import other complete databases.
  • Get weather reports from all over the world using the new weather-reporting interface. This includes a simple point and click search engine.
  • A Visual Map Planner allows you to make complete flightplans using a point and click visual interface. You can see the route of your flight as you build it.
  • There are new Airport utilities. Graphically view detailed airport and runway information including length, type, and altitude.
  • Get weather reports for each airport with suggested runway to use based on winds at that airport. This information is based on the real world weather you download from the Internet.
  • Database optimization. There is now a feature that will allow you to customize what areas of the Flight Director database will be loaded in memory. This will improve FD99 performance.
  • Current weather is always displayed on the main screen. The new EFIS instruments also have automatic weather reports.
  • Auto radio frequency. You can now specify whether you want the navigation radios to automatically send the radio frequency to the FS98 radios whenever you reach a new waypoint.
  • Winds can be automatically factored into the direction to your next waypoint allowing you to stay accurately on a given flight path or jetway.
  • New customizable descent features. You can now specify how many minutes prior to reaching a targeted waypoint that you will arrive at the specified descent altitude.
  • ATC Check Lists. You can now configure custom checklists of up to 150 list items that you can play before, during, and after your flight.
  • Print Flight Plans. Flight plans can be printed with a lot of enroute information. If you have the current weather loaded you will be given departure and arrival weather in the printout.
  • There is a new GPS gauge. This gauge can be used in any of your panels and is compatible with full screen 3Dfx (Voodoo 1 and 2) mode.
  • Unique flight tracking mode. In the new Gauge GPS, there are special tracking needles that can help guide you to any airport, VOR, NDB, or waypoint intersection.
  • Special temperature and wind customizations can be made from the Settings screen.
  • SIDS and STARS can be easily created and archived using our new built in SIDS and STARS system.
  • The new Approach Builder will build approaches into your desired runway.
  • Special ILS style approaches can be activated allowing Flight Director 99 to place you right on the runway
  • threshold. If  your airport does not have an ILS, let Flight Director 99 simulate one.
  • Aircraft Profiles are implemented to allow for more accurate flight planning.
  • Improved flight planing is implemented with a small graphical display showing your route.
  • Works with ProFlight 98 by AETI. You can be vectored by your adventure to the correct runway based on the real world  winds at that airport.
  • Use Flight Director 99 with Then Next Generation by AETI and Up Front Simulations. Receive weather reports directly through your FMC.
  • Import the complete ProFlight 98/Up front database into Flight Director allowing both databases to match.
  • Convert flight plans for use in the ProFlight 98/Up front FMC's.

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Click an image to see an enlarged version.

Main FD99 Screen

One of the EFIS instruments

The Flight Planning screen

Airport Utilities

Multiple use GPS's

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